The Importance of Solar System AMC Services for Optimal Performance and Longevity

Solar energy has been gaining rapidly increasing attention in recent years as a renewable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly source of energy. In India, there is an increasing scope of solar energy startups because of its excellent location for solar power generation. India has an average of 300 sunny days throughout the year.

The Indian government has also launched several initiatives and policies to promote the development and use of solar energy. If you’re considering the great investment of solar panels for your residential or commercial applications, don’t forget AMC services. Don’t know what these services mean and why you suppose to consider them? Read on for its answer and more information about solar system AMC.

What is Solar System AMC?

An Annual Maintenance Contract or AMC is a service provided by solar companies (solar installation providers) to their customers to ensure the proper working condition of their system. It is provided when free product services provided are completed.

The maintenance generally includes solar panels cleaning with a soft and clean cloth to get rid of dust particles and leaves. Usually, water sprinkling is enough for solar panel maintenance. The main purpose of AMC service is to make sure the smooth functioning and maintenance of all equipment and reduce downtime.

Need of AMC Service for Solar System

The key feature of solar equipment is that they don’t need the most frequent and costly maintenance. After successful rooftop solar panel installation, you can enjoy a constant supply of green and clean power for about 25-30 years with little maintenance. AMC services help in identifying any potential worries or damages before they possibly turn into bigger problems, and start affecting your system’s power generation capacity.

What does Solar System AMC Service Consist Of?

Well, it basically depends on the company you’re getting the AMC services from. Mostly, these services cover all the predictive, preventive, and corrective aspects of the solar system installation to ensure optimum performance throughout the expected duration.

  1. Solar panels cleaning at scheduled intervals.
  2. Examination for loose connections, electrical checks, voltage, string current, etc.
  3. 15 days of reporting and warranty claim support.
  4. Calibration of sensors, monitoring system, and SCADA.
  5. Removing plants, leaves, vegetation, shading from closer trees, etc.
  6. Alarm handling with 48 hours of response time.
  7. Analysis of inverter working and diagnosing odd behavior in the solar power plant.
  8. Alerting manufacturing issues and management of upgrades or repairs.  

Benefits of Solar System Annual Maintenance Contract

Regular and timely maintenance not only extends the life of your system but provides many more benefits –

Enhance Performance

Solar energy systems are designed to provide a sustainable, affordable, and pollution-free source of energy. Using a 3kW solar system can help you in improving the value of your property while reducing about 90% of utility or electricity bills. But while using these systems, it is important to ensure their regular maintenance.

The reason is that system efficiency can be reduced by about 20 percent if they are not cleaned properly and regularly. The accumulation of dirt, dust, and leaves can cause obstacles in accurately capturing sunlight. This makes a system operates less efficiently.

By choosing solar system AMC services, you can clean and maintain your systems professionally. Removal of any grime and dirt from the surface improves sunlight absorption capability and system efficiency.

Save the Cost of Repair

Since life is unpredictable, problems can happen at any time but solar AMC services help in timely recognizing those issues. These problems could lead to a risk to you and your family as well. Identifying the problems early help in saving the cost of repair or loss of power due to sudden stoppage in the system functioning.  

Keeps Safety a High Priority

Another major benefit of solar system AMC service is keeping the system’s safety as a priority. Through regular maintenance and servicing, you can prevent the risk of fires as faulty equipment like inverters, DC isolators, and wiring connectors can lead to these dangerous issues.

During servicing process, professional technicians will examine all the crucial electric components and look for signs of corrosion and potential damage from water and extreme weather. Annual maintenance is extremely important for people living in regions receiving extreme heat, lightning, hail, or snowfall to prevent any weather-associated damage.   

Extended Lifespan

As mentioned above, annual maintenance helps in early identifying the potential damage and dysfunction that can affect the whole system. By ensuring the good working condition of brackets, cells, inverters, and other components, you can improve the longevity of the system and protect your investment.

Operating a solar panel at optimum temperature will significantly increase its lifespan as it will decrease the module surface area by enhancing complete output power. Your system will keep producing electricity at the expected capacity.

Complete Peace of Mind

Having solar system AMC services provide complete peace of mind regarding the proper functioning and energy production. A maintenance contract prevents the stress of regular cleaning and repair. Instead of maintenance tasks, you can focus on other core work.    

Shortage of Timely O&M of Solar Systems? Rely on Professional Maintenance Services

The reputed solar system installation providing companies offer a wide range of services along with solar AMC contracts to ensure the efficient working of the system. They provide the complete assurance that solar systems will work at maximum production. They provide the engagement of solar annual maintenance contracts for frequent cleaning and maintenance of residential, commercial, and industrial solar systems.

AMC service providers can even customize a solar service contract to meet the individual requirements of your solar product. For example, if you get a service of solar street light installation, they will provide annual maintenance service specifically designed to ensure the optimum efficiency of solar street light for maximum power generation.

How much does Solar Annual Maintenance Contract Service Cost?

AMCs for solar systems are generally not highly costly because these systems usually need minimal maintenance. How much the annual maintenance will cost depend on the solar plant size, location, cleaning cycle, and more factors. The average AMC cost is INR 1000 per annum per kilowatt (KW).


All in all, opting for an annual maintenance contract, in short AMC, is extremely important to ensure the optimal functioning, electrical generation, and longevity of your solar energy system. Be sure that you never attempt to repair, clean, or maintain solar systems yourself as any mistake can void the solar warranty.

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