Short and Long-Term Benefits of Residential Solar

If you are a person thinking of switching from a traditional source of electricity to sustainable solar energy, it is an important question to ask yourself – what advantages this source of power generation will provide you? Before investing in the best solar system for your home or residential flat, you need to be 100% confident in your wise decision to go solar.

There are some top long and short-term benefits of residential solar systems.

Form of renewable electricity production

The residential solar power is a renewable power source that does not come from an exhaustible resource. Unlike traditional sources of electricity, solar power is produced by harnessing the power of sunlight, which is a natural and infinite source limited to a huge amount. Solar energy doesn’t have the risk of running out in the coming decades. Thus, it is completely a safe investment in the electricity market.   

Reduce the burden of higher electricity bills

Going for solar system installation at home pay your bills by almost 90%. If you are receiving 3,300 Indian Rupees bill per month, switching to solar power will pay almost 3,000 Indian Rupees. You just have to pay only 300 Indian Rupees. Thus, your monthly electricity bill will no longer remain a huge burden in your budget. Rooftop solar panels can supply reliable power straight to residential buildings via the grid. They can be more consistent in the long run.

The savings offset your investment with solar panel installment. This eventually pays for itself in the long run, configuring a promising and secure investment. The total amount you can save depends upon how much power you use, what type and size of the solar system you’re using, and how much electricity your system is able to produce.

Residential solar systems are highly affordable

Residential solar panels are getting increasingly affordable day by day with the release and extension of residential solar installation subsidies and tax credits. The taxpayers can receive a tax credit of 30% on the overall price of the solar system in income taxes.

To avail of these tax benefits, you must go for solar installation before January 1, 2023. After this date, the tax credit is expected to drop by 26%. Besides tax benefits, there are so many financing options available to make solar adoption affordable.

No environmental damage

Renewable solar energy is completely environment-friendly. This means there is no risk of any environmental damage. Since electricity is produced using sunlight, there is no generation of any air pollutants, water pollution, and no other type of waste that cause harm to the environment.

Solar energy is considered a clean and green form of electricity production. No pollution or harmful greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted during the production and consumption of solar energy. That’s a reason solar energy stands out as the best way of living a sustainable life.  

Cost savings

Another major benefit of residential solar systems is cost saving through solar power net metering policy. This is a billing mechanism offered in some states on solar rooftop models. According to this scheme, consumers can sell their excess solar power back to the main grid. Alongside becoming energy reliant, this policy helps consumers in earning extra income in exchange for the power they sell.

Constant light even when the grid goes down

Producing your own solar energy can provide the chance to keep the lights on when there is a power loss or power outage. When you use solar-powered batteries, the stored solar energy can be used throughout the day or at night without depending on backup power from the main grid. Thus, you will always have a constant supply of electricity to keep powering your home.

Efficient power production in all types of environment

Solar panels for homes produce a sufficient amount of electricity to power the entire house. They need just sunshine for electricity generation. Thus, they are capable of producing power in all types of environments like winters, summer, rainy and cloudy days.

Minimal maintenance and hassle-free cleaning

The rooftop solar system maintenance and cleaning is not a matter of concern because solar PV panels don’t need higher maintenance. The reason is that they don’t have any type of fuel and don’t need any moving components. They can be simply cleaned once or twice a year or whenever you notice the collection of any dirt, dust, or grime.

The leading solar system manufacturers are designing solar panels that can withstand any elements regardless of what your location is. You can clean your panels using a soft cotton cloth. The annual maintenance contract or AMC services are designed to perform the necessary cleaning, maintenance, repair, and replacement annually. Battery replacement will be required every 3-5 years when using off-grid solar panels.   

Improve home value

Simply installing the required number of solar panels can increase your home value and selling price. According to several studies, solar-equipped homes are considered highly upgraded versions like a finished basement, modular kitchen, and ceiling rooms. Such homes are found to sell more quickly than non-solar-equipped houses.

Home buyers give more preference to residential properties having solar photovoltaic panels. They are more interested in paying a premium for these houses. Thus, solar panel installation can be an asset and a good selling point instead of a limitation in the modern real estate market.  

Multiple solar power applications

Solar energy is not just a renewable source of electricity but has a plethora of applications in your home. Solar systems can be used as solar water heaters for heating the water in residential homes. Solar garden lights can also be installed to power your garden all the time without worrying about electricity bills. Other residential uses of solar energy include solar-powered ventilation fans, solar house heating, solar-powered pumps, and solar power for outdoor lighting.


Going solar by installing residential rooftop solar panels is a secure way to power your home in a sustainable way. You don’t need to purchase your own home to go solar. You can avail of solar advantages when you’re living in a high-rise condo building or a rented house through community solar programs that allow multiple people to use solar power from a shared and a single solar array, paying for the portion they share.  

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