Switching to renewable solar energy is easier and much better for human health, pocket, the environment, and the entire planet. Since solar power is produced using sunlight, which is an abundant source of green energy, it reduces the carbon footprints. Furthermore, the government of India is betting big on the energy transition story of the nation. In addition, several companies have also initiated their renewable journey.
Solar panels designed to withstand several extreme weather conditions have a lifespan of at least 25 years with periodic maintenance. Typically, solar panels don’t need much maintenance to keep working efficiently. Still, many people have some misconceptions about an annual maintenance contract for solar system that needs to be debunked as soon as possible.
This post will answer the common questions raised against the annual maintenance contract (AMC) for solar systems. Also, it provides key insights about solar AMC services.
Myths/Misconceptions of Solar Power System Maintenance
Myth 1: Solar Panels Require Frequent Higher Maintenance.
As mentioned above, solar panels don’t require regular maintenance by consumers because they don’t have any moving parts. Solar panels need very minimal maintenance throughout their lifespan if maintained and taken care of appropriately. Solar installation is a silent source of generating electricity. Therefore, it doesn’t have a chance of too much friction or wear and tear.
Myth 2: Solar Panels Need Constant Cleaning.
Many solar users stress about regular cleaning of their solar power systems. However, once installed accurately, they need periodic cleaning of the solar modules or the surface. Cleaning is necessary during the accumulation of a heavy fog, too much dust, or other debris.
Most vendors provide a 5-year O&M (operations and maintenance) or AMC service. Once AMC services are expired, you can get them renewed annually. Furthermore, many C&I consumers choose to clean solar panels by themselves, after contract expiry because they are easy to clean.
Myth 3: Snowfall Makes Solar Power Systems Useless
It is a common misconception that solar panels do not work in odd climatic conditions. It is not true that solar power systems need bright sunny days to generate more power. They only need an unobstructed path to the sunshine to work optimally. So, they can produce electricity during the winter.
Even, solar power production efficiency gets improved when they are partially covered by the snow. The reflective nature of the snow improves the performance. Solar systems installation is done at an angle that allows snow to slide off easily. Furthermore, the slightly accumulated snow melts down as Indian regions receive enough sunlight throughout the year.
Myth 4: Solar Panels Get Easily Damaged.
Recognized manufacturers design modern solar power systems considering their longer durability. They feature the ability to resist several weather conditions like snow, rain, heavy winds, hail, etc. The leading rooftop solar system providers in Delhi NCR provide installation of solar systems manufactured to meet worldwide quality standards, making them highly withstand severe weather conditions.
Myth 5: Solar Power Systems Degrade Quickly Over Time.
Since solar panels are also a device, they experience a slight decrease in their power production efficiency over time. However, the degradation rate is relatively slow. In addition, reputable manufacturers provide a guarantee of 80-90% performance level after 25-30 years.
Myth 6: Periodic Maintenance is Time-Consuming and Expensive.
As mentioned above, solar systems are built to be low maintenance therefore, they need reduced upkeep. The only maintenance tasks you have to do are periodic inspections and obstacle removal to ensure a shadow-free surface on the panels. You can clean them quickly and easily by simply using a soft and clean cotton cloth/brush and water. Don’t perform these tasks yourself if you’re taking advantage of AMC services.
You will understand the detailed true facts of these myths during installation. Reliable installers will educate you about solar panel maintenance and cleaning.
FAQs of An Annual Maintenance Contract
What is a Solar System Annual Maintenance Contract or AMC?
Solar installation providers offer solar AMC services to consumers to ensure the proper functioning of solar systems. Users get this contract after the completion of offered free product services. The maintenance includes cleaning to remove leaves and dust particles. AMC services ensure the smooth working and maintenance of all solar components and decrease their downtime.
What does Solar Panel AMC Consist of?
The inclusions of AMC services differ based on the company providing these services. Typically, these services include predictive, preventive, and corrective services of solar panels to ensure optimal solar power production throughout their expected lifespan.
Firstly, solar AMC service includes cleaning at scheduled intervals to remove accumulated dust, vegetation, leaves, etc. Secondly, it consists of inspection for electrical checkers, string current, loose connections, voltage, odd behavior of inverter performance, etc. Other things it includes are calibration of a monitoring system, alerting manufacturing problems, upgrade management, and alarm handling with a response time of 48 hours.
How much Annual Maintenance Cost for Solar Panels?
Since the input fuel i.e. sunlight is free and solar panels don’t have any moving parts, the solar recurring and annual maintenance costs are mostly negligible. The annual maintenance will cost you more if you are using off-grid solar systems where batteries need to be replaced every 3-5 years. Typically, the smaller solar panels require around 2% of the initial investment cost of the system for annual maintenance. On the other hand, it is about 1% of the initial system cost for larger solar power systems.
What are the Benefits of Solar AMC Services?
Using a 3-kilowatt solar system can improve your property value. Moreover, solar can save your valuable money by reducing electric bills by about 90%. To ensure regular optimal performance, make sure their periodic maintenance.
Annual maintenance contract services extend the system’s life by getting rid of leaves, dust, dirt, and other particles that can obstruct sunlight absorption. By choosing solar AMC services, you can maintain your solar panels professionally and regularly. In addition, you can save the cost of repair by timely recognizing the possible issues.
Moreover, AMC services keep the solar systems safe by preventing the risk of fires. The early detection of potential damage and dysfunction helps with necessary solutions and ensures the good working conditions of all components. As a result, you can improve the system’s longevity and protect your initial investment.
Final Words
In conclusion, choosing the right annual maintenance contract services will help you stay assured about optimal functioning, timely cleaning, periodic inspection, and longevity of solar panels. If you want to know more about AMC services, contact experts at Megamax Solar. Never try cleaning or repairing your solar panels by yourself as it can void your solar warranty and cause severe damages.